品牌 | 索力特 |
型號 | BA-815 |
材質 | 牛皮 |
尺碼 | 35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44 |
功能 | 多款供選 |
類別 注射類
尺碼 33碼-47碼
功能 防砸 防滑 防刺穿 防靜電 絕緣 耐油 耐磨 耐酸堿(可選)
鞋面 進口壓花水牛皮
內里 **堪培垃內襯,耐磨透氣
鞋底 雙密度聚氨酯(PU)注射成型鞋底
特點 中幫保護腳踝、封閉防塵鞋舌
鞋墊 防臭吸汗透氣
1. 防砸標準:LD50-1994 ANI級
2. 防靜電標準:GB4385-1995 10的6次方至10的8次方
3. 耐油標準:GB16756-1979
4. 防刺穿標準:GB12017-89 I級
5. 電絕緣標準:GB12011-2000 6KV
6. 耐酸堿標準:GB12018-1989
CE standard steel toe cap and mid-steel plate sole, ** genuine leather
Low price fine quality
Outsole: Double density PU injection
Upper: imported emboss buffalo hides
Lining: high quality cambrelle, anti-abrade and venting
Sole: double density PU large sole
Function: steel toe cap/oil resistant/acid and alkali-resistant
Advantage: comfort, breathable, anti-slip, shock absorbent
Optional color : black, taupe brown, yellow, olive green
Optional function: anti-slip, anti-smash, insulation, oil resistance, antistatic, anti-puncture, Acid and alkali resistance and heat resistance
Insole: EVA
Meets:EN20345:2004,SB,S1,S1,S2 and S3,S4,S5 standard
Size: 35-47 yard